This is Jem Windridge-France – UK Face of the Salt and Light Project by Ann Marie Broadhead-Palmisano

Posted on September 12, 2024 at 12:56 pm


This is Jem Windridge-France

and not only is he one good looking young man but during his career in the spotlight, he has also, officially been hailed as the funniest child in the country! This was back in 2011, when his jokes caught the attention of Children’s TV, comedy duo Dick and Dom who were the face of TOXIC magazine’s The Big Joke award .  With jokes including

Q: What do you call two naughty robbers?

A: A pair of knickers!


Q: What’s red and sits in a corner?

A: A VERY naughty strawberry!
Jem had Dick and Dom in howls of laughter as they viewed his entry video which beat off the competition enabling him to be crowned Champion!


Fast forward 5 years and Jem’s resume and fame factor has increased considerably. For example, it must be every young boys dream to mingle with rich and beautiful women and at the ripe old age of 10, Jem has been there done that and bought the t-shirt.

Jem and Myleene

You see, not everybody gets the opportunity to model with the beautiful ‘Myleene Klass’ but Jem has, when he was cast in the Littlewoods Christmas advert!  He seemed to be a firm favourite with Myleene and not only could Jem be seen on tv adverts but his and Myleene’s pictures were featured in the national press and even on buses!

So, not only is ‘Jem’ a very funny guy, a hit with the ladies and a model but, having more than one string to his bow, he is also an actor and stared in the short film – Charlie and the Kid. Produced by Jordon Scott Kennedy, Jem played the role of the young Charlie Chaplin. The film, that was created as a gift for the Chaplin family has been described as the ‘most emotionally and mentally important period of an iconic life.’ Check out Jem below on the red carpet with his Mum at the film’s premier.


charlie and the kid premiere

Most recently, ‘Jem’ has also been brushing up on his dancing skills and can be seen freestyling for Leeds Rhino’s at half time proving just how enigmatic, entertaining and full of energy this little star is. So what makes a young boy like this want to help those less fortunate? I decided to catch up with Jem and ask him a few questions……..

Hi Jem, you have agreed to be the face of our ‘Salt and Light’ Project and a little birdy told me that you are a second generation fundraiser starting with your Dad.

Yes, my Dad has raised money for charity by swimming The Channel and he has run numerous charity runs.

And what about you?

I have done 7 charity runs and raised £79 for Sports Relief, selling my home made paperweights to friends and neighbours.

Why do you like raising money for charity?

I like to get in to the spirit of things. It can be fun to do and is very motivational.

Now part of the Salt and Light project concentrates on providing love and support to those with special needs. Why is this of particular interest to you?

I have a brother with profound special needs and adults and children with disabilities do not get the privileges that we get. I want to help them in the same way that I care for my brother.



Wow! What an inspirational young boy Jem is and this year, as the face of our Romanian cause ‘The Salt and Light Project’ he will be raising funds to help underprivileged, families, children, orphans and the those with special needs in the poverty stricken city of Hunedoara, Transylvania.

Now obviously, Jem can’t raise all the money by himself, which is where you, his friends and family can get involved. If you know Jem or are moved by his kindness then get in touch and support him by donating or raising money also. If you’re a fellow class mate of Jem’s, you could do a sponsored walk, silence etc or if you’re an adult, then donate an amount via our account at ‘Instagive’. Either way, why not make a decision today to not only back Jem but to help those less fortunate than yourself? Give the underprivileged and poverty stricken of Romania a helping hand through the trials of life and let them know that there are some people out there who do care. 

To keep an eye on Jem’s fundraising progress on social media or indeed to spread the word of his fundraising please hashtag #TeamJem.


If you would like to support this cause then please feel free to give using your mobile phone via Instagiv by texting LUUK Team Jem £5 to  70660 to make a donation of £5 Or to donate more text LUUK Team Jem £10 to 70660. Or you can donate via Paypal.



















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It was 2006 when Ann Marie and Mindy went on their first trip to Kenya after a fund raiser they had organized in Hong Kong. From Nairobi to Kimalewa and armed with. Read More...

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